Remember building with LEGOs as a kid? It was so beautifully simple. Step-by-step instructions with pictures guided your efforts. Pieces locked together with a satisfying click. The finished product always matched what was on the box.
Building a brand isn’t quite so straightforward or predictable. Modern marketers are weighing a multitude of factors while balancing priorities, keeping up with their audiences, and allocating budgets. Even the terminologies can get confusing, with so many new key concepts and phrases entering the brand-building lexicon.
To help keep everything straight, and shine a light on some important new ideas and practices gaining prominence, we’ve put together an up-to-date Ultimate Glossary of Brand Building Terms. You can click to download your copy of this handy resource, or read on for a quick glimpse of what’s inside.
Building Your B2B Brand: Key Terms and Phrases
What is the “availability heuristic” and why does it matter for branding efforts? What defines a “high quality audience”? How does one go about “brand lift testing”?
Our pocket guide aims to provide clarity on all of these questions and more. Within the Ultimate Glossary, we cover a variety of terms from A to Z. (Okay, A to S.) These include:
- Acquisition
- Activation
- Availability Heuristic
- Brand Awareness
- Brand Equity
- Brand Lift Testing
- Campaign Objectives
- Category Flexibility
- Competitive Moats
- Customer Loyalty
- Emotional Messaging
- Fame
- Frequency
- High Quality Audiences
- Long-term Sales
- Mental Availability
- Pricing Power
- Reach
- Salience
- Share of Voice (SOV)
- Share of Market (SOM)
- Share of Mind
- Short-term Sales
For each term, you’ll find an accompanying definition, and in many cases, practical advice to help you leverage them as part of a full-funnel marketing strategy. As one example, here’s our blurb on the aforementioned “availability heuristic,” accounting for the what, why, and how:
Availability Heuristic:
A “mental shortcut” where there’s a tendency to use information that comes to mind quickly. The decisions are based on familiar facts, emotions, and images that are “top of mind” and easily-recalled.
If your brand elicits positive sentiment and is memorable after repeat brand exposure, then your brand is more likely to come to mind more easily.
Top drivers of mental availability:
- Maximizing reach
- Using distinctive, memorable assets
- Using effective messaging that resonates
It’s not just about speaking the language. It’s about understanding what each of these terms represents and how they can help you build stronger brand awareness with the right audiences, in a way that supports long-term growth.
Like a LEGO set, brand marketing today is about putting all the pieces into place. We hope this pocket guide helps you and your team gaing a firm grasp of both the fundamentals and advanced concepts for successful brand building in our current environment.
Download the Ultimate Gloss of Brand Building Terms and start turning words into action.
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